Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be enrolled at a university to attend?

No! The course is open to all participants. We can offer students or staff members of university’s a discount. If you need to answer any questions about your degree during registration, please do so to the best of your ability, but you are very welcome to attend the summer school, regardless of your current status.

Do I need to upload a ‘proof of university affiliation’?

No – only if you want to receive the discount described above.

What is the course code?

During registration, you may need to enter the course code: H9.

What level of Haskell knowledge do you expect?

You should be comfortable reading simple Haskell function definitions of functions – such as map and filter – and understand the basics of pattern matching and algebraic data types. There are many good resources available introducing these basics – feel free to contact the lecturers if you’re unsure about your prerequisites.

What can you tell me about the accommodation?

All accommodation is handled by the general Summer School administration. You can read more about accommodation and practical matters on their website.

Are there scholarships available if I cannot afford attendance?

If you’re struggling to finance your trip to Utrecht, please let us know by emailing Wouter Swierstra (w.s.swierstra {at} We have a limited number of scholarships or discounts available for students that would not be able to attend otherwise, especially for women and under represented minorities.